Green light radar-reward


Green light radar-reward


  • Reward light management
  • Shoreline Lane Exit Assistance
  • Traffic light management
  • Public lighting

The effectiveness of the green-reward system is improved by measuring the speed of vehicles ahead of the light. When a vehicle arrives too fast, the time to green is increased by an additional time to force the driver to stop at the light.

This speed control reinforces the pedagogical character of the system.

This radar is specially set up for a good operation of the reward light. Its high sensitivity allows a detection well beyond the “reward” zone, but also at the foot of the light.

Traffic management is carried out in the best possible way: turning green for vehicles arriving below the speed limit, detection of vehicles that have missed their green light or coming from nearby areas.

The radar can also indicate the presence of a vehicle in the area to prevent a lane exit.

  • Programming by serial link or by 2 switches
  • Programmable threshold speed from 10 to 120 km/h
  • Distance limit programmable from 10 m to 100 m
  • TOR output or serial link
  • Supply voltage from 9V to 30V
    Consumption 80 mA
  • In OEM or IP66 enclosure

The radar measures the speed of the vehicle before the light and turns green after a certain time, the too fast vehicle must slow down or stop.

When a vehicle is coming too fast, the time to turn green can be increased by an additional time to force the driver to stop at the light.
time to force the driver to stop at the light.

The AMG061F provides speed measurement well before the reward zone. It measures the distance and adapts the digital outputs to the target speed and distance.

document reference: AMG061F-1
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